Laboratory Of Life

31 January - 2 March 2013

The point of departure for the group exhibition at Sanatorium, between January 31st and March 2nd, 2013, is French sociologist Bruno Latour's examination of a biology laboratory, working with animals,—Laboratory of Life. In the book, laboratory of life is considered as a work space, a social arena that determines and directs scientific reality, exposing the fallibility of information produced in such a context. 
The exhibition Laboratory of Life consists of a series of visual experiments that consciously disrupt the reality presented by positive sciences and/or the feelings of familiarity in our perception of the environment. The included subjects range from anatomy to the footprint on the moon to the quantum theory to new life forms. The topics of these experiments resemble the scientific field's, researching the wonderful possibilities of life through visual representations, suggesting to think of life as an entity independent of all categories and scientific processes.

 Cins, John Conway, Bora Başkan, Yunus Emre Erdoğan, Ece Gökalp, Sinem Mucur, Can Pekdemir, Berke Soyuer ve Elif Süsler. Serginin küratörlüğünü Elif Gül Tirben yapıyor.