Born in Istanbul in 1987, the artist was admitted to the Painting Department of Marmara University’s Fine Arts Faculty in 2005 and graduated in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree. The same year, he started the master’s program and graduated in 2012 with the dissertation entitled “New Technology and the Aesthetics of Digital Representation: Chris Cunningham”. The artist completed  his Proficiency in Art (PhD) program at Marmara University Painting Department and continues to teach theoretical courses at this university. Özgen held four solo exhibitions entitled “C://Still_Life”, “Spectrum”, “Metadata” and ''Instructions'', respectively, since his bachelor’s degree. His works were part of important group exhibitions such as “Systems/Visibility”, "aRb", “Hypologie” and “28th Contemporary Artists Exhibition”. He took part in the artist residency programs of Borusan Contemporary in 2011 and 2013 and of Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf in 2018. Since 2011 the artist participates in the Conceptual Art Events of the Definition of Art Group and continues his artistic activities and theoretical studies in Istanbul.