Yağız Özgen (1987) creates installations that focus on the structure of time and space, using digital culture and algorithms as starting points, and incorporating paintings, drawings, murals and found objects. His installations, shaped by spatial relationships, look into the physical and historical processes of objects shaped around the act of painting.

A graduate of the Painting Department at Marmara University Faculty Fine Arts in 2009, he completed his Master's degree (2012) and Proficiency in Art (2023) at the same institution. During this period, Özgen worked on the linguistic structure of art and the problem of consistency.

Özgen has held six solo exhibitions titled Boyacı (Painter), Instructions, Astronomy Picture Of The Day, Metadata, Spectrum, and C://Still_Life. Notable group exhibitions include Sistemler/Görünürlük (Systems/Visibility), aRb, Hypologie, and 28. Günümüz Sanatçıları Ödülü Sergisi (Akbank 28th Contemporary Artists Prize Exhibition).

Hehas participatedintheguestartistprogrammostrecentlyatCitéInternationaledesArts Paris (İKSV) during spring 2024, as well as Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf program in 2018, and the ArtCenter/İstanbul program between 2011 and 2013. Since 2011, Özgen has been actively involved in the Conceptual Art Events of Sanat Tanımı Topluluğu (Art Definition Group) and continues his work in Istanbul.