Spirits on the Ground

Kerem Ozan Bayraktar
En & Tr
ISBN: 978-625-00-0077-9 ©2021
Editor: Ulya Soley⁣ 
Texts: Yağız Özgen, Zeynep Sayın⁣
Graphic design: Ulaş Uğur⁣ 
Translation: Ulya Soley, Jorela Karriqi⁣ 
Book photos: Zeynep Fırat⁣ 
Redaction: Doğa Okay, Jorela Karriqi⁣
Printing: Ofset Yapımevi⁣ 
Publisher: SANATORIUM⁣ 
SAHA provided support for the accompanying publication by Kerem Ozan Bayraktar’s installation ‘‘Spirits on the Ground’’ realized at SAHA Studio and showed during the open studio days in March - December 2020 term. The book includes texts written by Yağız Özgen and Zeynep Sayın.
Spirits on the Ground is a site-specific installation featuring mechanical toys, garbage bags, LED lights, videos, batteries, nylons, dead plants, water, soil, and rust.
Petrol—the formative material of all the toys, of the nylon covering the ground and the objects on it, and of the garbage bags—basically originates from the fossilization of dead organisms. Similarly, the production of batteries involves essential elements of life such as carbon, zinc, and potassium. Focusing on the geochemical origins of objects, the work summons the remnants of life in the material composition of toys that move aimlessly.