Pandemi Döneminde ''Kayalar ve Rüzgarlar, Mikroplar ve Kelimeler'' Sergisini Yeniden Düşünmek

This event rethinking Kerem Ozan Bayraktar's solo show ''Rocks and Winds, Germs and Words'' (Curated by Kevser Güler, September 2019) during pandemic days will be held in Turkish with the participation of Ulya Soley. During the event, Bayraktar and Soley will share their impressions on the interesting period of time we are going through considering the ideas discussed in ''Rocks and Winds, Germs and Words''. In the talk, the life practices in the world that we share with microbes, the form of viruses, living-inanimate and psychical-digital relationships, objects, and systems they are in, will be discussed with examples from Bayraktar's artistic practice. The talk will be held on May 2, at 5:00 PM (Istanbul, GMT+3) through Zoom:

About the participants:

Kerem Ozan Bayraktar's work centers around establishing physical and conceptual environments. Using digital visualizations, photographs, animations, models, everyday objects, texts and graphics, Bayraktar focuses on the behavior of natural and artificial systems, their occlusion points, boundaries, collapses, mutations, and how we make sense of them. These systems consist of organizations ranging from spontaneous urban plants to exoplanets, which are quite different in terms of content but have similar systemic principles. Bayraktar recently participated in the "Berlin Senate Residency Program" and the "Istanbul Biennial Production and Research Programme". Previous to his latest solo exhibition "Rocks and Winds, Germs and Words" (2019, Sanatorium), he had opened six solo shows. Some of the group projects that the artist participated in 2019 include: "Ubiquitous Surfaces" (2019, Seager Gallery, London), "The Sound of No-one Listening" (2019, The Corridor Art Space, Amsterdam), "Openhaus" (2019, ZK/U, Berlin), "Istanbul Biennial Digestion Program" (2019, MSFAU, Istanbul), "flesh and bone" (2019, Operation Room, Istanbul). After completing his Master's degree and Proficiency in Arts at Marmara University Fine Arts Institute, Bayraktar teaches courses on digital images, art theory, photography and print-making techniques at various institutions, writes about art and makes presentations for various platforms.Bayraktar lives in Istanbul, and continues to work at SAHA Studio.

Ulya Soley works at Pera Museum as a collection supervisor and contributes to the Museum’s exhibitions and publications as a curator and editor. She completed her MA in Culture, Criticism and Curation at Central Saint Martins, and her BA in Art History and Psychology at McGill University. Recently, she curated the exhibition "How shall we dress for the occasion?" organized by Protocinema at 601 Artspace in New York. Her past curatorial projects include “You Look Familiar” as part of the British Council’s Curatorial Residency Program, “Katherine Behar: Data’s Entry” and “Bring Your Own Beamer” at Pera Museum, and “Stereo-Reality” as part of Proto5533’s emerging curators program. Her writing appeared in printed and online publications such as Pine Magazine, UQ, The Believer Logger, The Rationale, Istanbul Art News, Art unlimited, K24 and borderless. She is a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Website:
May 2, 2020