Everything I Know

25 November - 26 December 2015
Zeyno Pekünlü’s latest works in her second solo exhibition deciphers the process of information production and distribution through several methods such as montage, rearrangement and decontextualization; parallel to her previous works.Beginning with found footage and texts, the collector attitude of the artist gravitates to thrash cans of lecture theatres, under the desks, enormous and irregular archive of the Internet, and finally the necessary, unnecessary, rotely, universal, personal, instant or permanent information mass that people accumulate over time.
In these works, underlying questions about the essence of genuine information and its reproduction processes stand out as absurd attempts of categorization and archiving regarding the function of constant information flow and the impossibility of knowledge share and appropriation.
Zeyno Pekünlü:  Zeyno Pekünlü was born in 1980 in İzmir. After graduating from Mimar Sinan University Painting Department, she completed her MA and PhD in Art Program in the same university. She finished her second MA in Universitat de Barcelona “Production and Artistic Research”. She works as a lecturer in İstanbul Kültür University since 2011. Some of her crucial exhibitions are:    At the Edge of All Possibles, Kiev Biennale, 2015 / Maksim Gorky Theater, Berlin, 2014; Osman Killed Me, SANATORIUM, Istanbul, 2013; 14. İstanbul Biennial; 2015 Jakarta Biennial, Every Inclusion Is An Exclusion of Other Possibilities, SALT, 2015, Sights and Sounds, Jewish Museum, New York, 2015.