Horizon of Things

11 September - 14 October 2018
SANATORIUM will host Yunus Emre Erdoğan’s solo exhibition entitled “Horizon of Things” between September 11 – October 14, 2018.
The exhibition consists of an installation composed of readymade objects and charcoal drawings. In this exhibition, the artist explores the possibilities of potential spaces implied by various objects and venues. Recording the ontological break of objects and spaces in his recent works, the artist aims at an experience regarding the void in terms of these. Developing a ghostlike look at objects, the artist pursues a metaphysical search for meaning based on inaudible voices and invisible traces left by objects in space.
These works, where the artist directs our look at the indoors and objects, transforms the venue into an abstract, meditative area of experience rather than a physical area of setup where objects are arranged.