
10 - 13 October 2013 
Sanatorium participates in Vienna Fair; one of the most established contemporary art fairs that serves as platform for national and international art collectors and proffesionals. Vienna Fair will welcome its visitors in Vienna between the dates 10th – 13th of October 2013. During the fair, Sanatorium will show a unique blend of artworks of artists ranging from young and emerging to established artists of Turkish contemporary art and international artists.

The exhibition contains the works of photographer Orhan Cem Çetin who is an prominent name for Turkish photography. In his recent series “ Wallpapers for All”, he put emphasis on the moments of daily life that we tend to pass over. Addressing the same context from a different perspective; Çağla Köseoğulları’s works focus on important social issues that remain hidden, unseen and invaluable in daily life such as immigration, forced displacement and social inequality.

On the other hand, Luz Blanco and Sergen Şehitoğlu’s works offer a rather romantic and utopian take on reality. Sergen Şehitoğlu’s unrealistic yet quite cities and Luz Blanco’s paintings that cite various movie scenes invite the viewers to get away from modern urban city’s rush and dream of a different place.

Sanatorium’s booth which located at A20, can be visited in Vienna Fair from 10th to 13th of October 2013.