Reading Performance Night

SANATORIUM is holding an online Reading/Performance Night on April 4, 2020, Saturday 20:00 (Istanbul time) within the scope of the solo exhibition of Berkay Tuncay, “Human, how strange, so vulgar, such a masterpiece and yet so primitive’’. Rita Aktay, Emirhan Eringen and Deniz Gül will perform various reading performances during the event. The event will be streamed on, and Aktay, Eringen and Gül will cover themes in parallel to the exhibition, such as ‘’the spread of the texts and images on the internet, accelerationist working conditions, office life, digital age and increasing social anxiety.’’ After the performances a chat environment will be created between the participants and the audience through the chatbox. (Rita Oktay's performance will be held in English, Emirhan Eringen and Deniz Gül's performances will be held in Turkish.)

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In a video performance titled “Possible Related Search” (2020), Rita Aktay will share the results of an image tracking exercise conducted through Google’s image search engine. The chain of found material starts by searching the word “image” and proceeds by way of collecting the textual material (tags, captions, titles, descriptions) that accompany the encountered images, before ending abruptly with “citrus fruits” on a stock-photo website. With its cause-and-effect relations tightly woven step-by-step, thanks to search engine functions and algorithmic assistance, the text’s resulting nonsensicality becomes a document of post-human meaning making in the information age.

In his visual essay “Petrified’’ (2019), Emirhan Eringen presents the interviews he conducted with expats who recently moved to Frankfurt, in conjunction with the anthropological literature and his photography.

Deniz Gul (@oddat) will read a selection of her tweets (2017 - 2019) which she introduces with the title "Euphorisms". Her way of engaging with the platform has manifested into a unique style since 2010: 140 letters, a line, as verse. She has tweeted more than 11,000 lines, with themes that are of the ordinary. The everyday boredom, the everyday challenge, the everyday city, the everyday love. The everyday poet that wants to reach out and have a word.
Please welcome!

About the participants:

Rita Aktay (b.1997, Istanbul) is an artist, writer and curator. Her research focuses on the epistemological, political and affective processes of visual technologies. She is currently studying an MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths. Recent projects include "loss=binary_crossentropy" (Enclave, 2019) and “Ubiquitous Surfaces” (Seager, 2019, Open Space Curatorial Residency).

Emirhan Eringen (b. 1988, İstanbul) graduated from the Austrian High School in Istanbul and studied Management at Boğaziçi University. He works at the intersection of literature, visual arts, and anthropology. He published two poetry books under the name ''.eringen'': ''DÜZEN'' (Arthouse, 2013) and ''GÖK/DELEN'' (160. Kilometre, 2019). He translated Eugen Gomringer’s poems to Turkish (''Somut Şiir Seçkisi'', 160. Kilometre, 2015), and was the editor of Efe Murad’s translation of Thomas Bernhard’s poetry. Eringen’s short film ''transient'' (2014) was screened at the Cannes Film Festival and represented Germany in Eurochannel’s ''Youth in Europe'' program, followed by a special screening at COORDONNÉES contemporary art exhibition in Paris. He currently pursues a masters on Visual and Media Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin. He splits his time between Frankfurt and Berlin.

Deniz Gul is a Turkish contemporary artist who was born in 1982. She is renowned for her practice as a conceptual sculptor and a writer. The entirety of Gul’s oeuvre is about language, surface and excavation. Gul has written and published three books along with her three solo exhibitions. Her work is within the threshold of the conscious and the subconscious, the substantial and the poetic.
April 4, 2020