A Question Of Online Pleasure

A Question Of Online Pleasure
Christiane Peschek, Melih Aydemir, Teo Jing Yi
25.04.2020 - 20:00 (Istanbul, GMT+3)

During this Zoom meeting taking place on April 25, 20:00 (Istanbul, GMT+3), SANATORIUM presents Christiane Peschek's new sound piece, a reading of her poem ''ON TOUCHING MYSELF (2020)''. After the streaming, considering the topics mentioned in the exhibition ''Artificial Bloom; Fluid Archives'' Melih Aydemir will start an open presentation of ''Question of Online Pleasure: Virtual Intimacies'', that will proceed into a conversation between Teo Jing Yi, Peschek and Aydemir. 

They will discuss the question of pleasure during isolation times in the queer possibilities of the cyberspace, touching on the topics: uses of the erotic in the current situation, intimacy through text messages and the anxiety of current urges to be productive in the virtual space. 

The audience is also invited to answer one question anonymously on this link: http://ahaslides.com/pleasure

About the participants:

Christiane Peschek, artist, writer and researcher based in Vienna. Peschek's artistic research is based on an alienated human intimacy and virtual emotionality. Her works are interfaces between post-photography, post-internet, text and painting, between analog processes and digital/virtual transformation. She researches about the physical touch of body and screen, the emotional coding through an increase of virtualisation, as well as the exhaustion of intimacy and corporeality. Currently she holds the State scholarship for art and photography by the federal department of Austria. Her works have been internationally exhibited in a wide range of shows, such as lately at Triennale for photography Hamburg, Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, Musrara Jerusalem, Fotogalerie Wien and Salzburger Kunstverein. 

Melih Aydemir, curator based in Istanbul. Aydemir worked with Protocinema between 2017-2020, currently he's a part of the artist initiative 'sub' based in Çanakkale. As he continues his full-time job in SANATORIUM, he focuses his research on identity fluidity, generational approaches and post-internet. 

Teo Jing Yi is a curator currently based in Istanbul. Apart from her work as an independent curator she works with Istanbul-based art x tech organization bang. Prix and is also the Lead, Incubator Programme of Singapore-based online publication, gallery and artist incubator so-far.
April 25, 2020