Çağla Köseoğulları is going to launch the exhibition After The Night with Fulya Çetin on Septermber 8

After The Night

Fulya Çetin and Çağla Köseoğulları’s exhibition After The Night will be held from 8 September to 22 September 2017 at the space of FAİL Books in Çukurcuma, Beyoğlu.

After The Night comprises works that the two artists have produced in Istanbul in the past months. The exhibition takes shape around the question: When the flow of everyday life is disrupted, the future is rendered uncertain and aesthetic habits no longer bring satisfaction, how can the artist rediscover hope? Fulya Çetin and Çağla Köseoğulları’s new works, which could be described either as landscapes or abstract paintings, present to us new directions sought by the eye, hand and mind.

8-22 September 2017
Open 11:00-19:00, closed Mondays
FAİL Books
Çukurcuma Caddesi No: 6-2A
September 8, 2017