SANATORIUM is pleased to present Christiane Peschek’s first solo exhibition in the USA, titled Liminal Ghosts, between October 19 - November 25, 2023, at DIANA NEW YORK. The exhibition presents Peschek’s research on liminality in the context of physical and virtual spaces and bodies.
For her first solo exhibition in New York, Christiane Peschek examines our transitioning state, she stands in the threshold of reality and virtual as her physicality is in a state of suspense. Peschek’s artistic practice has a long history of treating virtuality as an extension of ourselves with its possibilities. She creates archives from images of the internet's gendered bodies and retouches them to reclaim their once fluid existence. Ghost like approach of her portraits transforms the identities to smoothened surfaces.
Liminal Ghosts is a series of portraits on fleece, oscillating around the topic of identity fatigue and the overstimulation of an internet driven society. DIANA's space in New York City will be transformed into a temple of identity crisis that invites visitors to worship a variety of identity transformations on the verge of human’s digital succession.