
4 December 2014 - 3 January 2015

Maja Weyermann, a Swiss artist based in Berlin will present her first solo show in Istanbul in SANATORIUM. In the exhibition, Weyermann‘s video works from the series of „Real-time-nomads“ and “About Paradise“ and stills from these videos as well as an excerpt of her series The Miller House and a slice of cake - or - life shortly before disaster“ will be presented.
All three work groups have the same focus of interest which is the connection between perception and representation of space. The artist understands SPACE as a result of social relationships, arising from the acts of individuals or groups and IMAGES as genuinely social, not only because they are created in a given social context, but also because this very context could not be constituted without the production of images.

Maja Weyermann: Maja Weyermann studied art in Amsterdam and Berlin. She lives and works in Berlin. Her works have been exhibited in 2012/13 at the group exhibition "Die Stadt, die es nicht gibt - Bilder globaler Räume" at Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst in Aachen, Germany. At present her work is to see in the group show Bad Thoughts -ollectie Martijn en Jeannette Sanders“ at the Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam. (Until January 2015).

In Cooperation with Sven Flechsenhar and Antje Buchholz. Weyermann created the video „DLRG“ which won the first Prize (Animation) at the VIII Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival this October 2014.