Sibel's Beauty Parlor

11 May - 10 June 2017
SANATORIUM will host Nazım Ünal Yılmaz’s second exhibition in Turkey between May 11 – June 10, 2017 under the title “Sibel’s Beauty Parlor”.
Nazım Ünal Yılmaz’s paintings function like a diary. They merge the autobiographical with a story seen in a newspaper and transforming all into a manifestation of a broader social sub-text.
While make-up and prosthetics of body parts belonging to the opposite sex indicate areas where a slippery identity emerges, “Sibel’s Beauty Parlor” presents to its ‘clients’ an installation made of  performance, statues / objects and paintings which put marginalised sexual identity and masculine violence side-by-side with abstract and figurative traditions.
About the artist:
Born in Trabzon, Turkey in 1981, Nazım Ünal Yılmaz graduated from Anadolu University, Painting Department in 2005. In 2010 he completed his MA in Akademy of Fine Arts in Vienna. In 2010 he got a residency for the Moon and Stars Project at SVA in New York and in 2015 he got a residency at Künstlerhaus Balmoral in Germany.
Among his solo and duo exhibitions are “Straight” at Gallery Kunstbüro in Vienna in 2007, “Panths on Fire” curated by Martin Vesely in Vienna in 2011, “Waiting for the Barbarians” exhibited at Plevneli Project in İstanbul in 2012, “Transtone” with Kay Walkwiak curated by Gabriela Kisová in Slovakia in 2013 and “Hotel Priciples” exhibited at Funktion Room in London in 2015.
Among his group exhibitions are “New Suggestions – New Propositions” at Borusan Gallery in İstanbul, Turkey in 2005, “Dear Anus” at VBKÖ in Vienna and “Mit anderem Blick” in Frankfurt Germany in 2008, “Made in Turkey” at Ernst Barlach Museum in Hamburg in 2009, “Painters On The Run” at Kunsthaus in Germany and "Aus einem teil der alten Stadt bloß, besteht die neue Stadt" at Ankara Galeri Nev in Turkey in 2010. In 2011, he participated in “Double Crescent” curated by Dan Cameron at Gallerie C24 in New York and “Where Fire Has Struck” at Depo in İstanbul, Turkey. In 2012, “Making Normative Orders” with Britta Peters and Dr. Sabina Witt and curated by Fanti Baum in Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany and “o.T (ohne Titel)” at Arp Museum in Remagen, Germany in 2015.